  • 闻蛩作(清·郭世嵚)释义,解释
    古诗文 闻蛩作(清郭世嵚) 释义 闻蛩作(清郭世嵚)  五言律诗 押支韵  已觉寒声咽,凄然复诉谁?一年秋尽后,四壁夜凉时。街柝当门急......
  • 题李伯时渭城送客图用知几韵(宋·王灼)释义,解释
    古诗文 题李伯时渭城送客图用知几韵(宋王灼) 释义 题李伯时渭城送客图用知几韵(宋王灼)  七言绝句 押东韵  龙眠幻出摩诘句,想见落......
  • 送谢友可还临川(明·胡应麟)释义,解释
    古诗文 送谢友可还临川(明胡应麟) 释义 送谢友可还临川(明胡应麟)  七言律诗 押先韵  斗酒都亭落日悬,清霜红叶舞离筵。长驱骏足燕......
  • 天仙子(金末元初·元好问)释义,解释
    古诗文 天仙子(金末元初元好问) 释义 天仙子(金末元初元好问)  水曲桥平双燕语。密密层阴围绣幕。梅姿不受暑光侵,携玉斧。迎仙女。为......
  • 峻厉的近义词
    严酷 (yn k) : ①严厉;严格:严酷的教训。 ②残酷;冷酷:严酷的剥削|革命党人不畏惧严酷的白色恐怖。 严厉 (yn l) : 严肃而厉害:校长处......
  • “presciently”的英英...

    单词 presciently 释义 presciently, adv.|printl|[f. prescient + -ly2.]In a prescient manner: with prescience.1791–1823D'Israeli Cur. Lit. (1858) III. 454 On this memorabl......

  • “prescious”的英英意...

    单词 prescious 释义 † prescious, a. Obs.[f. L. prsci-us foreknowing (f. prscre to foreknow: see prescient) + -ous.]= prescient.1643Sir T. Browne Relig. Med. i. 11 Predes......

  • “prescientific”的英...

    单词 prescientific 释义 prescientific, a.|prisantfk|[In 1, irreg. f. prescience after scientific; in 2, f. pre- B. 1 + scientific (prob. after prehistoric).]I. †1. Of or......

  • “prescind”的英英意...

    单词 prescind 释义 prescind, v.|prsnd|[ad. L. prscindre, prsciss- to cut off in front, f. pr, pre- A. + scindre to cut.]1. trans. To cut off beforehand, prematurely, or a......

  • “presciencelessness...

    单词 presciencelessness 释义 presciencelessness rare—1.|prsnslsns|[f. prescience + -less + -ness.]The state or condition of lacking prescience.1928Hardy Winter Words 5 L......

  • “presciency”的英英...

    单词 presciency 释义 † presciency Obs. rare.[f. as prescience: see -ency.]= prescience.1572R. T. Discourse 16 Partly by the Naturall motions of their myndes,..partly by ......

  • “prescient”的英英意...

    单词 prescient 释义 prescient, a.|print|Also 8 pr-.[a. F. prescient (15th c.), ad. L. prscientem, pr. pple. of prscre to know before, f. pr, pre- A. 1 + scre to know.]Hav......

  • “pre-scene”的英英意...

    单词 pre-scene 释义 pre-scene, -scholasticsee pre- A. 2, B. 1 d.{var l=document.getElementsByTagName("link");var r=/OED4.css$/;for(var i=l.length-1;i>=0;i--)with(l[i].hre......

  • “prescience”的英英...

    单词 prescience 释义 prescience|prins|[a. F. prescience (13th c.), ad. late L. prscientia (Tertull.) foreknowledge: see prescient a. and -ence.]Knowledge of events before......

  • “preschizophrenia”...

    单词 preschizophrenia 释义 preschizophrenia, -icsee pre- B. 1.{var l=document.getElementsByTagName("link");var r=/OED4.css$/;for(var i=l.length-1;i>=0;i--)with(l[i].href)......
